Social Media Content Strategy: Launching A New Collection For The Holiday Season

It’s the time of year when jewelry designers and jewelry stores are gearing up for holiday sales. For many jewelry designers, this means that they will be launching a new collection in the coming weeks ahead of the holidays. It is important to plan your social media content strategy accordingly to make sure that you don’t sacrifice engagement on your other channels because you’re too busy creating designs or running out of content to post!

In this post, I talk about how jewelry brands can launch a new collection on Instagram and Facebook while still maintaining their social media presence.

1. Before launching a new collection, create and post content on your social media channels to build anticipation for the release of new jewelry pieces.

Close-up of hands holding a turquoise gemstone ring among various jewelry pieces on a wooden table.

Today’s consumers are hungry for information and love to be the first ones to find out about something before everyone else does! By creating content that is related to your upcoming collection, you’ll build interest and excitement among your followers. You can then tease them with a few sneak peaks of what they will see on social media

2. Utilize hashtags in your posts so that customers can find you more easily!

Two colleagues discussing social media analytics displayed on a computer screen in a creative office space

Make sure to use hashtags that are related to your jewelry collection and industry. You can then track how much people engage with you using these hashtags in Google Analytics or other social media management tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Later etc. Of course, don’t overdo it!

3. Provide sneak peeks of pieces from the upcoming collection on Instagram or Facebook Stories.

Close-up of various pearl jewelry pieces laid out on a pink background, representing a sneak peek of an upcoming jewelry collection on social media.

When jewelry brands post sneak peeks of their upcoming collection, it gives users a peek into their new designs! They can then share the content with their friends and ask for opinions about which pieces they like best. You’ll be able to see how much your followers engage with these posts in real time using Facebook Insights or Instagram Analytics.

4. Promote your launch party with influencers and celebrities as well as bloggers who will be attending your physical/online event.

Group of stylish women wearing elegant necklaces, laughing and enjoying themselves at a jewelry launch event.

Influencers are people who have a large number of followers on social media channels. By working with them to promote your jewelry launch party, you’ll gain access to thousands of new potential customers! You should be able to find influencers in any industry that will work for an affordable price or even free if they’re just starting out and looking.

5. Make sure to send out information about your new launch to fashion editors and journalists at magazines, newspapers, and blogs !

Jewelry store owner preparing for a launch event, illustrating the process of reaching out to fashion editors and generating media coverage for a new collection.

Jewelry brands should always be on the lookout for jewelry-related news that they can share with fashion editors and journalists. If your new collection is particularly unique, you’re more likely to get some coverage! There are many jewelry brands who have received press for their launch parties simply by reaching out to fashion writers at magazines before the events. 

6. Create a video trailer that highlights some of the best pieces from this season’s collection.

Close-up of a model posing with jewelry, being filmed by a camera for a promotional video in a studio setting.

Jewelry brands can create a video that shows off jewelry pieces from their upcoming collection. You’ll only have to spend money on the production of this video, but it’s well worth it when you’re launching new jewelry collections! For example, check out Alysha Whitfield Jewelry who created an incredible video for her latest #ascensioncollection.

One of the most important aspects in social media marketing is content planning. This way you can make sure that you are posting consistently, engaging with your followers and customers, and not getting overwhelmed by all the new jewelry designs that need to be created!

If this sounds like something you want help with managing or creating for your business, let me know below what kind of support you’re looking for–I would love to talk to you about how we can launch a successful campaign on all fronts.

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