Chrissy has been inspiring and empowering women to wear what they want through her designer jewelry. With a bold and unique style, Chrissy's pieces have been featured in prestigious magazines such as Vanity Fair UK, Voyage Denver, and JCK Online, among others. After taking part in the 2022 edition of Milan Jewelry Week, Chrissy wanted to upgrade her website from Wix to Shopify.

Chrissy had a vision. She needed an upgraded website for her designs that showcased them in a modern and minimalistic way. She wanted to make her jewelry website stand out and provide an intuitive buying experience, while also transitioning from Wix to Shopify.

Unfortunately, the website she had simply didn’t reflect the uniqueness of her designs nor did it provide a satisfying user experience.

We created a custom Shopify website designed for Chrissy Liu Jewelry. The new website featured an attractive, modern design with high-quality images and product descriptions that highlighted the uniqueness of each piece of jewelry. We also incorporated clever SEO tactics, such as optimization of tags and titles, to ensure that the website was discoverable by potential customers. Additionally, we integrated many payment methods, so customers could buy items quickly and securely. 

 The results have been positive for Chrissy Liu Jewelry since the launch of their new Shopify website. Average order value and sales have increased every quarter since its launch, reflecting the success of our solution.

Hear it from Chrissy!

I was looking to upgrade my website and the new website was better than I had imagined

I was looking to upgrade my website and switch platforms from Wix to Shopify. I tried to do this process myself but once I started, I quickly realized this wasn't my area of expertise. I turned to Sohail to help me create a website that met my current needs, was built for my future needs and elevated my brand. We had constant communication to ensure that everything was functioning properly and aesthetically on point. The finished product was better than I could have imagined. I enjoyed working with him so much. I look forward to working with him again.

-Chrissy Liu, Chrissy Liu Jewelry

From Strategy To Design To Development, We Take Care Of Everything For You

We have a team of experts with years of experience in the jewelry industry. We'll work with you to create a beautiful online store that stands out from the competition.